I pray a lot about how to raise these three.
How to form them.
What my hopes are for them.

I hope that they lose themselves for the sake of love.
That they are self-sacrificing.
That they are in the image of Our Lady.

I hope that if they are called to religious life they are ready to give their life.
That they will be obedient to the rules of their Orders.
That they are will sacrifice food, drink, and a comfortable bed.
That they will embrace hours of silence and prayer.
That they will joyfully serve the Sisters around them.
That they will humbly live a hidden life for the sake of souls.

I hope that if they are called to the Sacrament of marriage they are ready to give their life.
That they will submit themselves to the mission and vision of their husbands.
That they will be prudent, yet sacrificial when bearing new life.
That they will embrace their monotonous days of housework and homeschool.
That they will joyfully give their whole selves and interests to their husband and children.
That they will humbly live a hidden life for souls.

I know it’s my responsibility to train them.
To guide them.
To inspire them.

I must show them that they can give their lives away to God.
That they can be completely submissive to their superior.
That they can sacrifice their lives for the ones under their care.

This is why I homeschool them.
This is why I pray for them.
This is why I devote my entire self to being a wife and mother.

The culture says we mothers can look the other way.
We don’t have to devote our entire selves to our husband and children.
We can pursue our own interests and desires.

The evil one does not want mothers to be devoted.
Because mothers can help produce Holy Vocations.
Because mothers can help produce Saints.

May we, mothers, be a vessel for Mary’s Immaculate Heart to triumph!